Join RED January in 3 easy steps
About RED January
The winter months can present barriers for those striving to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The lack of sunlight, declining motivation levels, and safety concerns make exercising difficult for many Canadians. The research backs this up, with 50% of Canadians feeling lonely regularly and 64% being inactive in winter months.
RED January aims to break down barriers to inactivity and provides a supportive community where individuals can come together to improve their physical, social, and mental health. So whether you’re already part of the RED community, or this will be your first January with us, join the thousands taking part for their mental, social and physical wellbeing and set your movement goals today.
“I was inspired to start RED January after witnessing the transformative effect that regular movement had on my mum’s mental health, especially during winter, a time when many of us need a boost in motivation. And I’m so proud that Canada is joining the growing RED community - we all support each other every step of the way, my mum included.”
- Hannah Beecham MBE, Founder of RED Together
About our cause
The GenWell Project is grateful for your contribution to Canada’s Human Connection movement. Your donation will provide funding to educate, empower and catalyze Canadians around the importance of human connections – for health, happiness, longevity, and the betterment of society.