Nissan Sunderland

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Nissan Sunderland are taking part in RED January!

For the 3rd year the Nissan Sunderland team are taking on the RED January challenge to move every day during one of the toughest months of the year.

Together, with RED teams across the country, we’ll be going the extra mile to support ourselves and others.

Come and join our team!

Team Leaderboard


Thank you to our Sponsors



Ha'way skinny legs


Yaroslav Kolodiy


John Jones


Simon O'donnell


Susan Wildish


Rachael Morrell






John Davidson


Paul Hardwick




Neal Austin

Great cause Sarah….good luck


The O’leary’s

Well done Rich x


Claire Amey


Leslie Simpson

Butterfly stroke champion - back in the day I am told… Good luck Andy


Amelia Vyse




Wendy Mcintyre


Mark Willis

Go for it Kev


Lewis Mackintosh


Jonathan Thornes

Love this, keep it going.




Paul Mcginty

Keep smashing it Andy.


Davey Bell


Marie Wright

You'll smash this challenge Sheena. But good 🍀 luck too. Marie. Xx


Darren Alcock

Keep going sparrow


Peter Hendo

good luck Andy ! im sure you will smash it.


Kevin Mcintyre


Harold Gregg


Mary & Ray Craig


Robin Rob Thewthew


Lauren Barry


Christine & Ray Logan


Michael Kelly




Blair Potts

Get those lengths in water boy


Liam Barry

Keep smashing it Andy 💪🏻



So proud of you smash it love ya x


Chris Wood

Keep up the good work mate


Gordon Clarke


Ben Smith




Kyle Patton

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming


Thomas Brown


Christian Gray


Christian Gray






Johnny Barras

Ref Johnny Barras


Maryellen Wilkinson


Maureen Peverley


Les Simpson

Good luck Kev


Joe Wildish

Well in fatha proud of you❤️


Marcin Reterski


Stanislav Chernomor


Niall Revell


Kyle Patton


Anth Collinson

Well done.


Kevin Mcintyre


Alice Faulding


David Macdonald


Massive Ash

Good luck Kevin 🫶


Luke Hinckley


Kenneth Telfer

Keep it up.


Sophie Scullion

Amazing, go you! Xx


Gerrard Norris


Chris Wood

Keep up the good work mate


Craig Mcintyre


Peter Henderson

well done cracking effort


Declan Armstrong


Declan Armstrong


Ian H

Good luck Kev👍👍


Simon Hall

Well done least lose some weight doing it


Rob Day

Good luck mate


Robert Mason


Ricky Isted

Smash it Grandad x


Nanar H

Good luck Kev


Mark Scott


Paul Weldon


Claire Jones

Great effort, Richard! You’ll smash it! 💪


Louise Hutchinson



Good luck x


Charlie Thomas

Nice one pal!


Harold Gregg

Just one more day. Every step helps.



Good luck Kev 🏃‍♀️ x


Dave Rollin

Good luck Kev 👍


Paul Best

Good luck Kev 🏃🏻


Iain Scott


Simon Mitchell

Keep it up.


Chris Wright


Tony Hodgson


John Morris

Smash it Andy 👍🏼


Tina Craig

Well done lv u sie and tee


Mark Kemplay


Mark Kemplay


Mohammad Aminfard



Well done Kev




Gary Fenwick

Our Team

Team members


Total duration

7,510 hrs
25 mins