Roq Stepping Up

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We're taking part in RED January!

This January, we’re taking on the RED January challenge to move every day during one of the toughest months of the year.

Together, with RED teams across the country, we’ll be going the extra mile to support ourselves and others.

We are encouraging everyone at Roq to get involved:
Everyone who achieves 10,000 steps each day in January will receive a £50 donation to RED January on their behalf. 

In addition, we are collectively aiming to walk 5,000km during January to raise an additional £500 and giving everyone the opportunity to join in and contribute.

Lets get stepping in 2024 🐒

There are so many benefits to this initiative - not only does it support individuals own mental and physical wellbeing, but it raises money for a great charity too! Surely that's all the motivation people need to 'step up' to the challenge :)

Team Leaderboard


Thank you to our Sponsors


Michael Robinson

Good luck to everyone taking part. Keep counting those steps!



Good luck wifey x


Gemma Robinson


Pauline Lomas

Good luck Tracey. You can do this. Love Mum & Dad xx


Angela Christian-pye


Amanda Mason

Our Team

Team members


Total duration

3,773 hrs
17 mins